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Nikita Photography


Around the world in black & white
All prints Giclee on museum grade paper | Framing available on request
Click on an image for details and availability of print
Photo of Jade Buddha Temple in Shanghai, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine
Photo of people in a street in Shanghai, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine
Photo of the stalks of trees | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Photo of the Jade Buddha Temple in Shanghai, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita
Photo from Shaoxing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Photo from the Forbidden City in Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fin
Photo of a wooden and metal bench on a pier in San Francisco, California | Resin Poured Fine Artisan
Photo from a MTA subway platform in New York City | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita F
Photo of the inside of a tunnel | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Photo of the field of Millbrook Winery | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Photo of the field of Millbrook Winery | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Photo of taxis in New York City | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Photo of the Forbidden City in Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine
Photo of a bicycle with a basket in Carmel, California | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nik
Photo of a tree in a field in Quaker Hill, New York | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita
Photo of a lake and trees in Southern, New York | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fin
Aerial photo of the Great Wall of China in Beijing | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita
Photo from the Great Wall of China during the winter | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikit
Photo of the Great Wall of China and forest | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Ar
Photo of a cobblestone road with cars in Union Square, New York City | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kit
Photo of the sign of Hotel Grant in San Francisco, California | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenwar
Photo of a man ice fishing on Houhai Lake in Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware
Photo of a man holding a fishing net on Houhai Lake, Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitc
Photo of a woman swimming in Houhai Lake, Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | N
Photo of a motorcycle in Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Photo of a fisherman and his reflection in Lake Houhai in Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan
Photo of a door knocker in the Forbidden City in Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenw
Photo of a door knocker in the Forbidden City in Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenw
Photo of the Las Vegas skyline | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Photo of a masked jester in Las Vegas, Nevada | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine
Photo of a glass doorway in Los Angeles, California | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita
Photo of a large corridor with columns in Los Angeles, California | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitche
Photo of a man ice fishing in Houhai Lake, Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware |
Photo of several people ice fishing in Houhai Lake, Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitch
Photo of the tops of poles outside of Houhai Lake in China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware |
Photo of the inside of the Forbidden City in Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware
Photo of people inside of the Forbidden City in Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenwa
Photo of people in the street outside of buildings in Houhai Lake, Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fin
Photo of trees and walls in the Forbidden City in Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchen
Photo of a small bridge over Houhai Lake in Beijing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware |
Photo of trees and Pawling Lake with snow and ice | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita F
Photo of a man sitting on a wall in Shanghai, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita
Photo from under trees in San Francisco, California | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita
Photo of a bridge over a river in Shaoxing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita F
Photo of a lake and bridge in Shaoxing, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine
Photo of rocks and the sea with mountains in the background off of Route 1 in California | Resin Pou
Photo of the interior of Grand Central Station in New York City | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenw
Photo of a man playing drums on buckets on the sidewalks of New York City | Resin Poured Fine Artisa
Photo of a field with bare trees in Arizona | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Ar
Photo of a woman working a food truck on the streets of Shanghai, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan
Photo of Old Street in Shanghai, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Photo of a motorcyclist in front of a store in Shanghai, China | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenwa
Photo of the San Gabriel Mountains in Pasadena, California | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware |
Photo of a rock in Lake Tahoe in California | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Ar
Photo of a subway platform in New York City | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Ar
Photo of the Shanghai skyline | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
NFA PCG Logo | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Abigail Fox Designs logo | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Atelier Modern logo | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Affamata logo | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Big Little Boxes logo | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Epic Home Decor logo | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Goffin's 64 Park logo | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Gypsy Teal logo | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Humboldt Outfitters logo | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art
Wiglesworth's Mercantile logo | Resin Poured Fine Artisan Kitchenware | Nikita Fine Art

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@2018-25 Nikita Fine Art LLC

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Website Development: Daniel James Consulting

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